Thursday, October 16, 2014

Release of Whole Language Workbench - Luna SR1 Edition

Today, we are pleased to announce that a new milestone release of the Whole Language Workbench is publicly available.

The Eclipse IDE 4.4.1 is bundled with the all-in-one product distribution. Older versions of Eclipse are no longer supported.

Beside the usual fixes and minor improvements, the release includes:

  • A complete refactoring of the test suite to support continuous testing.
  • The bundled Java language now conforms to the Java Language Specification 8.
  • The Patterns language is significantly matured.
  • A working example of an e4 product based on the Whole Platform.

Whole based e4 product example

As usual, both binaries and source code are available:

  • SourceForge archives here.
  • GitHub Platform source here and Examples source here.